Haus Mallack

A typical italian restaurant and pizzeria with a typical german name

"Best Pizzeria in Wuppertal" -cit. Radio Wuppertal

Red wave of




Conception and finalization of the rebranding using the design thinking process
Haus Mallack is an Italian Ristorante and Pizzeria, skillfully managed by a family where parents helm the kitchen and siblings attend to service. Recognized as the city's best Pizzeria since 2021
Deliver a sense of familiarity and comfort to our guests through cohesive design, evoking a feeling of home, while incorporating a modern touch

Design Process

Competitive Analysis, Focus Groups, Empathy interviews
Problem statements, Persona prioritization, POV statements
Rapid prototyping
High Fidelity Prototypes
A/B Testings, Market Testing
User acceptance testing

To go into the right direaction with the design, I organized a Focus Group meeting with the client and the team and together we brainstormed ideas on how the new design should look like.

Imoprtant for that day was to create a comfortable and trusting environment, so that the participants feel at ease and more willing to share openly.
"What are your most memorable experiences and expectations when looking for a restaurant, and how do you feel our restaurant currently meets or falls short of these expectations?"

Empathy interviews were coducted only with the CEO's to better understand their point of view.

"What is your long-term vision for the restaurant, and how do you see the rebranding effort contributing to that vision? and what core values and principles do you want the rebranded restaurant to embody?"

Competitive Analysis

The biggest challange is how to make a german named restaurant transmit the Italian cousine by first impression.

In order to understand better where to start with the rebranding, I check out the other restaurants in the same city.
First I started with the ones who offer food to the same clientele as Haus Mallack and these are the take aways:
- No consistency in colors , fonts, uniforms, restaurnt color, menü, visit cards etc.
- No Logo
- No Primary colors
- Boring fonts

Second I checked all the resaurants who were one or less year old, without considering the category.
The insights were very positive: 
+ Concistency in everything possible
+ A main Logo as well as secondary one
+ Colors were consistent and meaningful
+ One or maximum 2 types of Fonts


Problem statements, Persona prioritization, POV statements


To better understend the needs about the Logo in the industry, I have made a competitive analysis and come up with these questions:

What do we want to communicate? Food
What is Haus Mallack known for? Pizza
What makes the pizza here special? The wooden oven

And by adding a fire we communicate the idea of the pizzas being baked in a wooden oven.

We abined it with the name Haus Mallack, placed underneath
and a small description to recall the italian kitchen

In order to  give a feeling of italy and therefore rappresent our food and culture i chose the italy's flag colors Green, White and Red:
------INSERT FOTO OF THE FLAG----------

For Green I went for a pleasent #018E6E
For red i chose #C0534E
And since we didn't want the design to have a standardized "italian"look, instead of white (#FFFFFF) we went for a more beige color #C0534E


The font was already preselected by the company who created the main sign for Haus Mallack
------INSERT FOTO OF THE SIGN----------

"Lobster Two" was used for the name Hus Mallack
"Michroma" was used for the description Ristornate Pizzeria

I took the same fonts and applied them to the Visit Card - Invoices - Voucher cards
For the menü we had to go for 2 other fonts, as these would not fit very well for a reading eye.
"Forum" for main titles
"PT Serif" for the rest

Same Colors and Fonts were used in all the prints in order to guarantee a consistent design.


Rapid Prototyping

After brainstorming some ideas, I started by sketching with pen and paper.

-----INSERT SKETCHES-------------

For the Menü we wanted to keep the traditional A4 print, but we needed to add some imagery.
------ INSERT SKETCH ----------


The main tools used are Figma and Canva

Figma was used for the Logo

-------INSERT LOGO------

Canva was used for the Menü
-----INSERT MENÜ---------


A/B Testings,

Market Testing


User acceptance testing