The project began with a briefing from the CEO, who outlined the need for a more intuitive filtering system to align with the company's vision of delivering user-centric software solutions
Here the link to the entire document
Users found the existing filter feature unintuitive and struggled to efficiently locate relevant data, impacting productivity and satisfaction
Blendi's Note:
"This showcases how the CEO's vision and a clearly defined problem statement drove the redesign process. By focusing on user needs and aligning with the company’s goals, the briefing and problem identification stages set the stage for a thoughtful, user-centered approach. The proposed solutions emerged from a collaborative effort to balance simplicity, functionality, and innovation, ensuring the final design would genuinely address user pain points and enhance overall productivity."
The brainstorming session focused on improving the navigation structure of the filter function to enhance user efficiency and satisfaction
Pain point: Users find it difficult to filter results in their sheets
These questions encouraged the exploration of multiple aspects of the user experience, from simplifying the interface to introducing advanced features and ensuring accessibility.
We used the above questions as prompts for brainstorming to encourage a solution-focused mindset.
Insights from the call:
Blendi's Note:
"The brainstorming session and CEO discussion highlighted key priorities: simplifying the filtering process, ensuring accessibility across devices, and providing tools for error recovery. Balancing simplicity with functionality was a core challenge, as was designing a clean yet flexible interface. Using structured HMW questions fostered creativity and collaboration, enabling solutions that aligned with user needs and business goals. This phase reinforced the importance of iterative exploration in delivering impactful design."
To maintain the existing structure of the layout, I proposed condensing the left menu into icons only and introducing a collapsible section for the filter.
Each filter is represented as a dropdown menu. To select a filter, users can expand the dropdown by clicking on the chevron icon.
Continuing with the same layout structure, I proposed an alternative solution where the filter section is collapsed into icons. Upon selection, a pop-up window would appear, allowing users to interact with the filter options.
A more modern approach involved integrating the filter as a button positioned at the top.
A contemporary and up-to-date solution was to add the single filter options on the top, always visible (as in the actual state), with a chevron to make the filter collapsable
After a quick test, we used to move forward with the 4th option.
For the filters I deiced to go with the brand color #2090F6 in 40% opacity with 4px borders.
I worked with components with proprieties such as "variants" for the hovered and pressed state, and "instance swap" for the icon.
For the boxes I decided to create different ones, taking in consideration the different needs.
The filter function is needed on 3 main categories:
- (Alle Anträge)
- (Alle Anträge in Bearbeitung)
- Anträge ohne Bestätigung (E-Mail DOI)
- Abgeschlossene Anträge
- Mein Zuständigkeit
- Alle Anträge in Bearbeitung / Von KollegInnen in Bearbeitung
(Eventuell sogar eine Auswahl der KollegInnen)
- Je nach Konfiguration können hier von 4 bis ca. 20 Workflow-Schritte erscheinen
- Neuanschluss
- Bauwasser
- Änderung eines bestehenden Anschlusses
- Ersatzbau (Neubau nach Abriss)
- Nur Erschließung Bauplatz (kein Bau geplant) -> Dabei kann auch eine Kombination aus mehreren Antragsarten gleichzeitig ausgewählt sein (z.B. Neuanschluss & Bauwasser)
"Blendis note"
The decision to
- Aufnahmedatum Eventuell kein direktes Datum sondern das Jahr?
- Tags (wird für Kundengruppen, usw. verwendet)
- Kundennummer
- Aktiv-Tag (aktiv / Inaktiv)
- Firma
- Zeile 1 (Adresszusatz)
- Vorname
- Nachname
- Anschrift
- E-Mail
- Tags
- Aufnahmedatum
- Objekte (können mehrere sein)
- (Gesamt-Saldo)
- Alternative Kundennummer
- Aufnahmedatum -> Eventuell kein direktes Datum sondern das Jahr?
- Tags (wird für Bezirke, usw. verwendet)
- Stillgelegt?
- Adresse (Ort, PLZ, Straße, Ortsteil)
- Grundstücksdaten / Flächeninformationen -> Gemarkung (z.B. Ergolding, Neufahrn, Freising,...) -> Flurnummer (z.B. 12345, 20, ...)
- Weitere Nutzung ->Regenwassernutzungsanlage ->Brunnen
- (Tarifinformationen) ->Tarif -> Abschlag
- Abgerechnet bis (Wann hat dieses Objekt die letzte Abrechnung bekommen)